Ark Fridge Slots

Posted : admin On 4/5/2022
Ark Fridge Slots Rating: 6,5/10 6207 reviews

Animals are really good storage spaces - with their 300 slot inventory. We use weight leveled bears to store medium weight items (charcoal, sparkpowder), mesopithecuses leveled on weight are excellent to store low weight items (thatch, cementing paste, fiber, hide) - in addition they are much smaller than the lockers they are mobile, so I can place them where I need them.

Welcome to the world of Gaia! It adds a ton of content to your ARK experience, so far 303 creatures across 18 unique tiers, 34 custom structures, and 282 items/resources/equipment. Plus a lot more to come!

Ark Fridge Slots Online


So join us in this amazing experience and try Gaia out for yourself! I mean who wouldn’t want a badass Tomahawk that has special abilities?! Or reusable items?! Nothing like having your grappling line snap when trying to ninja yourself out of the jaws of a hungry Rex… or running out of bolas trying to keep a speedy Heavenly Tapejara at bay. We even provide you with tranq-bolas.

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If that’s not your style, then you can always use frost arrows that explode upon impact and slow your enemies down by 75%. After all that excitement and running about it’s annoying having to constantly find a water source to refill your limited slot canteen…but, not with the Gaia Canteen that stores 10x the water! If that runs out, you can use a magical well that you don’t need a water vein for and can be placed anywhere to provide irrigation.

There are many unique tiers of dinosaurs & items that you can tame/craft to help you progress throughout the game, and help achieve your goals. The possibilities are endless.

Currently, within Gaia there are 18 dino classes, not counting all custom and tribute creatures with special properties. The Banished provides essential materials in return for an offering, so for example, if you leave rotten meat in the WolfDen they will provide you with Dreaded Rabies. These you can use to summon creatures within the Gaia Portal. All classes are color coded and have different abilities, such as you’d often start with taming Divines as a first choice since they’re mostly Docile apart from a select few. Then you’d move on to Dreadfuls and start climbing the ladder of stronger, more efficient dinosaurs. Although beware, survivors, some dinos possess special attacks! Such as life-draining fires and stunning bites…

Gaia is ideal for all servers, you don’t have to have it load in first. It can be run on any map that uses vanilla spawners. PvP? PvE? We cater to both styles. Gaia is balanced and can be paired with most mods. And if you think it’s too easy/hard we’ve provided our users with the ability to customize your Gaia creature stats in your .ini settings (for more info check out the Gaia website). Bear in mind that Gaia is balanced around vanilla gameplay and the target audience is mature adults. To reach endgame tiers for items, there will be grinding involved. If you want to reach endgame content in a couple of days, you are better off with other overhaul mods. With that said, Gaia can be completely customized to your liking, but expect some work to tweak it.

Ark Fridge Slots Games

ImageItem NameItem IDGFI Code
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Achatina PasteSnailPastecheat gfi SnailPaste 1 1 0
Ammonite BileAmmoniteBloodcheat gfi AmmoniteBlood 1 1 0
Angler GelAnglerGelcheat gfi AnglerGel 1 1 0
Black PearlBlackPearlcheat gfi BlackPearl 1 1 0
Blue GemGem_BioLumcheat gfi Gem_BioLum 1 1 0
Blood Pack45cheat gfi BloodPack 1 1 0
Cementing Paste144cheat gfi ChitinPaste 1 1 0
Charcoal76cheat gfi Charcoal 1 1 0
Charge BatteryChargeBatterycheat gfi ChargeBattery 1 1 0
Chitin or Keratin212cheat gfi ChitinOrKeratin 1 1 0
Chitin11cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Chitin 1 1 0
ClayClaycheat gfi Clay 1 1 0
Congealed Gas BallPrimalItemResource_Gascheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Gas 1 1 0
Crystal77cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Crystal 1 1 0
Deathworm HornKeratinSpikecheat gfi KeratinSpike 1 1 0
Electronics162cheat gfi Electronics 1 1 0
ElementPrimalItemResource_Elementcheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Element 1 1 0
Element OreElementOrecheat gfi ElementOre 1 1 0
Element ShardElementShardcheat gfi ElementShard 1 1 0
Fertilizer50cheat gfi Fertilizer_Compost 1 1 0
Fiber75cheat gfi Fibers 1 1 0
Flint72cheat gfi Flint 1 1 0
Fungal WoodFungalWoodcheat gfi FungalWood 1 1 0
Gasoline161cheat gfi Gasoline 1 1 0
Green GemGem_Fertilecheat gfi Gem_Fertile 1 1 0
Gunpowder108cheat gfi Gunpowder 1 1 0
Hide10cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Hide 1 1 0
Human HairPrimalItemResource_Haircheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Hair 1 1 0
Keratin213cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Keratin 1 1 0
Leech BloodLeechBloodcheat gfi LeechBlood 1 1 0
Leech Blood or HornsCuringcheat gfi Curing 1 1 0
Metal Ingot73cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot 1 1 0
Metal9cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Metal 1 1 0
Narcotic122cheat gfi Narcotic 1 1 0
Obsidian141cheat gfi Obsidian 1 1 0
Oil159cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Oil 1 1 0
Oil (Tusoteuthis)SquidOilcheat gfi SquidOil 1 1 0
Organic PolymerPolymer_Organiccheat gfi Polymer_Organic 1 1 0
Pelt419cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Pelt 1 1 0
Pelt, Hair, or WoolPeltOrHaircheat gfi PeltOrHair 1 1 0
Polymer163cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Polymer 1 1 0
Preserving SaltPreservingSaltcheat gfi PreservingSalt 1 1 0
PropellantPropellantcheat gfi Propellant 1 1 0
Rare Flower246cheat gfi RareFlower 1 1 0
Rare Mushroom247cheat gfi RareMushroom 1 1 0
Raw SaltRawSaltcheat gfi RawSalt 1 1 0
Re-Fertilizer382cheat gfi PrimalItemConsumableMiracleGro 1 1 0
Red GemGem_Elementcheat gfi Gem_Element 1 1 0
SandSandcheat gfi Sand 1 1 0