Soboba Casino App

Posted : admin On 3/31/2022
Soboba Casino App Rating: 8,3/10 590 reviews


To: All Tribal Members, Residents, and Visitors to the Soboba Reservation

From: Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Tribal Council

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Re: COVID-19 Guidance

Date: June 25, 2020

The Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Tribal Council is taking every precaution to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the members and residents of the Soboba Indian Reservation. As California reopens, we all need to work together to create a safe, low risk environment. Therefore, the Tribal Council wishes to extend the following general guidelines and resources for your safety.


What if I had exposure to someone with COVID-19?

Please try to quarantine yourself for 14 days from the date you suspect the exposure happened. Check your temperature twice a day and watch for symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough or shortness of breath. If during the 14-day quarantine symptoms arise, please see question below.

What if I have symptoms?

If a person develops symptoms of COVID-19 and has reason to believe they may have been exposed, they should call their health care provider before seeking care. Contacting them in advance will make sure that people can get the care they need without putting others at risk. Please be sure to tell your health care provider about your travel history. You can also take the following precautionary measures: avoid contact with sick individuals, wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

Soboba Indian Health Clinic is currently conducting tests for individuals that show symptoms.

Soboba Indian Health Clinic
607 Donna Way, San Jacinto, CA 92583
(951) 654-0803

For a full list of testing locations, including those that will test even without symptoms, visit the following link:

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, are waiting for test results, or have tested positive for COVID-19, please try to quarantine yourself and stay home. At home, please try to stay in a specific room and away from other people. If available, use a separate bathroom from others in your household. If you need to interact with others in your home, please wear a facemask.
For further information, please see the following link:

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your healthcare provider. The Tribal Council wishes everyone stays safe during this difficult time.

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March 31, 2020

Dear Soboba Tribal Member,

As of March 31, 2020, at 4 p.m., the Soboba Casino Resort will be temporarily suspending operations until April 30, 2020. After days of monitoring the Coronavirus COVI D-19 Pandemic and numerous council meetings, the Soboba Tribal Council believes this action serves in the best interest of the patrons, employees, and most importantly, the reservation community. Updates will continue in one or all of the following: Soboba APP, handouts at the access gate, and mail correspondence. If you wish to receive a notification via email, provide your email address to Dione Kitchen Any financial information will be sent to the tribal member mailing address and email.



March 17, 2020

Dear Soboba Tribal Member,

As of March 18, 2020, 4 p.m., the Soboba Casino Resort will be temporarily suspending operations until April 1, 2020. After days of monitoring the Coronavirus COVI D-19 Pandemic and numerous council meetings, the Soboba Tribal CounciI believes this action serves in the best interest of the patrons, employees, and most importantly, the reservation community. Updates will continue in one or all of the following: Soboba APP, handouts at the access gate, and mail correspondence. If you wish to receive notification via email, provide your email address to Dione Kitchen Any financial information will be sent to tribal member mailing address and/or email.



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March 15, 2020

Dear Soboba Tribal Member,

As the Soboba Tribal Council continues to monitor the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis, below is an update and contingency plans we developed to mitigate this crisis.

Soboba Casino App

Tribal Operations

Tribal Administration departments will remain open as scheduled. The preschool is closed and Noli School is closed to students only.

Casino Operations

Soboba Casino Resort will maintain operations. The casino has seen a reduction in patrons this month, specifically this week, and may continue during this crisis. Casino management continues to monitor and will make necessary operation adjustments when the time comes.

Emergency Preparedness

The Tribal Council and TERC are working diligently obtaining resources.

Please be advised these contingency plans are subject to change as this crisis changes on a daily basis. We will continue to closely monitor and provide updates as they come in. If you have not done so, please download the Soboba APP as this is the quickest way to keep you updated. We are praying for the best and strongly believe prayer is powerful. Don’t lose faith. Hopefully this will be over soon. The Tribal Council is here for you day and night to answer any question you may have.

Please continue to check your mail in the upcoming days. Important confidential financial information will be sent out.



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March 12, 2020

Dear Soboba Tribal Member,

We are sending this message as part of our on-going efforts to assure the health and safety of the Soboba Reservation community. We are fully aware there is a great deal of concern and questions in need of answers, and it is our goal to provide as much accurate information as available and will continue to do so.

With reported cases of coronavirus in the United States, and now in the counties close to the reservation, it is critical that we all work together and take reasonable precautions.

Information on the Coronavirus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Riverside University Health System-Public Health (RUHS-PH) continue to closely monitor an outbreak of the 2019 Coronavirus. The most up-to-date national information can be found at


What You Can Do

According to the CDC, the coronavirus spreads most often from person to person between people within about six feet apart, known as “close contacts”. This is because the virus spread is believed to occur when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This is VERY similar to how the influenza and other respiratory illnesses spread.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

What to Do If You Become Sick

There is quite a bit of news and information related to the coronavirus. Simply because you cough or have a runny nose does not mean you are infected with a virus. Don’t forget we have weathered similar storms with the H1N1 virus and many other influenza strains.

If you are sick, stay home and contact your doctor. Tell them what your symptoms are. This will help them determine how to best help you.


In our efforts to assure the health and safety of the Soboba Reservation community, the Tribal Council strongly recommends that you reconsider non-essential travel.

Members are encouraged to monitor the current reports by the CDC and seriously consider amending their travel plans to those areas where the infection rate is high.

If you have scheduled or are planning to travel to areas which have been identified as high risk, we encourage you and any members of your party to seek advice from you physician upon your return.

As we obtain more information about the coronavirus we will share it with the Members. You can receive updates by downloading the Soboba Tribe Alert App on your phones. Just go to the App Store on your Smart phone and type in “Soboba Tribe” and then download onto your phone. Once Downloaded please ensure your notifications are turned on.


Soboba Tribal Council

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T. A. N. F.



About Us

Cash Services is a 24/7 Check Cashing Tribal Enterprise located in the Mesquite Room withinSoboba Casino. A variety of services are offered to Casino Guests, Tribal Members, Council Members and Casino/Tribal Employees which includes Check Cashing, Cash Advancesand ATMS.

Cash Services goal is to create an environment that exudes genuine hospitality from highly motivated and skilled team members whose number one goal is to provide exceptional customer service to all guests.


The Mission of the Cash Services Department is to provide a superior experience in an environment offering genuine hospitality by highly motivated team members whose number one goal is providing exceptional customer service.

The Vision of the Cash Services Department is to be the trusted leader in delivering exceptional customer service to better serve Tribal Members and to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of financial services.

Contact Us

23906 Soboba Road
P.O. Box 487
San Jacinto, CA 92583


About Us

Soboba Cultural Resource Department was established in 2004 for the purpose of preservation, education and research that are associated with the Luiseño and Cahuilla culture as well as ancestral sites.

The goals of Cultural Resource Department are to preserve the valuable cultural resources located within our ancestral territory.

The department and staff have had continual education in all aspects concerning California Indian Studies, law and culture. The majority of our involvement has been involved in monitoring, tribal government, education, mediation and networking for various entities, which consists of tribal and non-tribal associations. Each staff member has knowledge in local cultures, tradition, language, botany geography, biology, archaeology, Native American laws and any issue regarding the preservation of sites and land.

Visit our website at for additional information.


When developers and public agencies assess the environmental impact to their projects, they must consider “Cultural Resources” as an aspect of the environment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. These “Cultural Resources” can include Native American graves and artifacts; natural resources used for food, ceremonies or traditional crafts and places that have special significance because of spiritual power associated with them.

When projects are proposed in areas where cultural resources are likely to be affected, one way to avoid damage to cultural resources and minimized litigation associated with the project is to perform archaeological testing, with Native American monitor and/or consultant on site during part or all of the construction work. By working with and acting as a liaison between Native American, Archeologist, developers, contractor and public agencies, a Native American monitor and/or consultant can see that cultural resources are treated appropriately from the Native American point of view.

Contact Us

Joseph Ontiveros - Director
23906 Soboba Road
P.O. Box 487
San Jacinto, CA 92583
Phone: 951-654-5544 ext. 4138
Fax: 951-654-4198


Soboba Elders are members of the Soboba Band that are of the age 55+. They meet monthly at the Old Tribal Hall to discuss business pertaining to the elders and participate in Tribal functions. The Elders operate with their own elected board that consists of a President, Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer. Currently there are 109 members.

The Soboba Elders are involved in many activities supporting our own tribal community as well as surrounding communities. They believe that being an active participant in events and activities that involve youthis setting an example of respect for one another.

As in past years, the Soboba Elders are proud to participate in this year’s 20th Annual Payomkawichum Soboba InterTribal Pow Wow. For the past 10 years the Elders have given their time and support to sponsor the Tiny Tots Pow Wow.

We appreciate and will always be thankful to our Elders.


About Us

The Information Technology Department utilizes a centralized business model in order to ensure technology standards that are set for automation are enforced organization wide with everyone having a clear and shared vision throughout the business. Furthermore, guarantees that efforts are not duplicated resulting in cost and time savings.

With a diverse and highly trained technical team, IT is capable of working on multiple platforms, in various environments. IT Department is a standing team of highly-skilled IT professionals with extensive past performance working together to provide the best solutions for its customers which are the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians.


The Mission of the Information Technology Department is to provide cost effective and efficient enterprise products, services, and solutions with a secure and reliable environment for Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians employees through leadership, strategic planning, standards and policies, architecture, and oversight.

The Vision of the Information Technology Department is to be the trusted leader in delivering enterprise information technology services and solutions that enable tribal government to better serve its members; and to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of tribal services.

Awards and Media

TribalNet 2019 Industry Award
TribalNet Recognizes Three Outstanding IT Teams with Industry Awards
Info-Tech Research Group 2019 CIO Leadership
TribalNet Magazine Spring 2020
Podcast - Soboba Band: Converting Systems, Bringing Broadband to Tribal

Contact Us

Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 487
San Jacinto, CA 92581
Phone: (951) 654-2765

Additional Information

Verizon Cellular Discount
Verizon has a 15% discount on monthly plans and up to 25% on phone accessories for all Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians employees. The only qualification is you must contain a valid email address or walk into any Verizon store and present a recent pay stub from Soboba Luiseño Indians.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this benefit, please see the Verizon Cellular Discount flyer or you can also go to a local Verizon store

Soboba Tribal Alert Response System (STARS)
STARS Signup Form


About Us

The Soboba Tribal Gaming Commission ('STGC') is an independent governmental gaming regulatory agency for the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians, the Federally recognized Sovereign Indian Tribe exercising jurisdiction over the Soboba Indian Reservation. The STGC is responsible for regulating gaming on the Soboba Reservation; The STGC neither reports nor is accountable to Casino Management.


The STGC has been established to ensure the public trust and confidence in the credibility and integrity of the regulatory process and of the casino operation, protect tribal assets, and advance the economic development of the sovereign Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians by shielding gaming activities from organized crime and other corrupting influences, ensuring that the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians shall be the sole beneficiary of the gaming operations revenues, ensuring that gaming is conducted fairly and honestly, by both the casino and the players, and ensuring the Public Health, Safety and Welfare of the gaming operation patrons and employees.


Please visit our website at to address licensing issues that you may come across while you are employed at Soboba Casino, Soboba Tribal Administration or the Soboba Tribal Gaming Commission. Please visit the website and review the information available online.

  • Name/Address Changes
  • Disclosing Information
  • Conditional Licenses
  • Licensing & Appeal Process
  • Renewals/Transfers
  • Reporting Fraud

Soboba Casino Application

If the website does not have the answers that you are looking for, please stop by the Backgrounds Office and get the information that you need!

Soboba Casino Application

Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:00pm
(951) 665-1000 ext. 1198

Regulatory Oversight

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
CL II/III Gaming Ordinance
Tribal – State Compact
Gaming Regulations
Liquor Ordinance
Tort Claims Ordinance
Applicability of Article 6 Ordinance (CLETS)
Gaming Facility Standards Ordinance
Environmental Protection Ordinance
Patron Disputes
Responsible Gaming

Contact Us

Soboba Tribal Gaming Commission
23333 Soboba Road
PO Box 610
San Jacinto, CA
(951) 665-1000
Fax (951) 487-0042

Report Fraud: STGC Fraud Hotline
(951) 665-1337

Soboba Tribal Gaming Commission Tip Line
Tip Line -


About Us

Public Works Department provides the following services:

Soboba Casino Application

Maintenance Crews - facilities maintenance, tree trimming, roads, cemetery, weed abatement, tribal member work orders, and heavy equipment work which includes grading, mowing, disking and fire breaks.

Mechanic Shop - maintenance and repair Noli School’s fleet of buses and vans, administrative departments’ vehicles including Public Safety, Parks & Recreation vehicles and Public Works heavy equipment.

Grounds Maintenance - landscaping, irrigation and maintaining the grounds around all government buildings, which also includes the athletic fields and The Oaks Retreat.

Water Department - We operate the reservations drinking water programs through the Soboba Water Department. Maintaining Soboba’s domestic and irrigation wells, water lines and water testing. Safe and clean drinking water for all families is priority one.

  • Infrastructure and Facilities
  • Beautification and land maintenance
  • School Buses/Vans, Vehicles & Equipment Maintenance & Repair
  • Water and Sewer-Water line repair
  • Flood Control, both hardscape and natural settings
  • Project Management
  • Forward Planning and Mitigation
  • Irrigation
  • Keeping all roads clean and in good repair


Soboba Public Works Department proudly serves the Soboba Nation through facilities operations, infrastructure improvements, transportation, grounds maintenance, water services and emergency preparedness. Each staff member takes their roles as a critical responsibility to the lifestyle of all those who live, work and visit the reservation. The mission of the Public Works Department is to provide and maintain the most desirable environment for the community by ensuring that all Tribal property is maintained to the highest standards possible. The Department makes sure all buildings within our community are safe, sound and of high quality and that all facilities are designed, constructed, and function to the highest degree of safety and utility in a cost-effective manner.

Contact Us

Kenneth McLaughlin
24099 Soboba Rd
San Jacinto, CA 92583
Phone: (951) 487-7445


Soboba Reservation Fire Department is an all-risk emergency response organization. The men and women of Soboba Fire are dedicated, loyal employees that give their all every day when they are on duty to protect the residents, visitors, and infrastructure of the Soboba Indian Reservation and surrounding community. Our success is due largely to the unwavering support of the Tribal Council and the Tribal Administrator. I am honored to serve as the Fire Chief for an Administration that takes public safety seriously and is committed to ensure that the department is fully staffed and equipped to meet the mission..